15 June 2023

Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh MP was in Yarram on Tuesday 6 June sharing good news for the local community from this year’s Victorian State Budget. 

The budget includes $3.2 million for a new CFA station in Yarram. 

CFA volunteers put their lives on the line to protect our community and this funding will make sure our volunteer firefighters have the tools and equipment they need to safely respond to emergencies. 

This investment will boost the resources of the local CFA in Yarram and deliver the modern facilities they deserve.  

This funding builds on the more than 50 new and upgraded fire stations the Labor State Government are delivering across the state, in addition to making sure our fire services have the equipment they need to operate safely and effectively. 

Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh  

“CFA volunteers work hard to keep the community safe, and they deserve the best facilities. This investment will deliver this for Yarram and is a great thing for the volunteers and the wider community who rely on them.”