22 February 2024

Wy Yung Football Netball Club will be shooting and kicking more goals and growing their ranks with $250,000 in funding from the Allan Labor Government to install new 100 lux LED lighting at Wy Yung Recreation Reserve. 

Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh today announced that Wy Yung Football Netball Club was among 12 facilities across Victoria to share in more than $2.5 million from the latest round of the Country Football and Netball Program. 

The Program is a partnership with the AFL, AFL Victoria and Netball Victoria and has invested more than $21.30 million in over 165 country football and netball community infrastructure projects since 2014. 

It helps local councils replace and upgrade ageing grounds and facilities for football and netball clubs across rural and regional Victoria, because everyone deserves equal facilities no matter where they live. 

Grants from the latest round include ground resurfacing, new ground and court lighting and the construction of new pavilions and netball courts. 

The Victorian Budget 2023-24 is providing more than $213 million to deliver and improve community sports  infrastructure and support initiatives that boost participation and inclusion in local sports clubs and organisations.  

The new Regional Community Sports Infrastructure Fund is also investing up to $60 million to help local clubs update their infrastructure and facilities to welcome more people to community sport and recreation. 

More than $1.9 billion has been invested by the Allan Labor Government into community sport and active recreation infrastructure since 2014. 

Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh acknowledges East Gippsland Shire Council and the club for their significant contribution to the project. 

For more information visit sport.vic.gov.au/grants-and-funding  

Quote attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh 

“Footy and netball clubs are so important to regional towns like Wy Yung, and this boost will ensure that junior and senior Tigers players can train and compete longer and safer, and that locals can be healthier and more active.” 

Quote attributable to President of the Wy Yung and District Recreation Reserve Committee of Management John Websdale 

“We are excited to learn the State Labor Government will allocate funding to replace oval lighting at the Reserve. The Committee has been working with the East Gippsland Shire on funding applications for some time and we would also like to thank them for their ongoing support.”