11 April 2024

The Allan Labor Government is delivering a new endoscopy suite at Orbost Regional Health, ensuring the local community can access vital diagnostic services closer to home.

Minister for Health Infrastructure Mary-Anne Thomas today visited the health service to announce $2.1 million has been awarded through the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF) to set up a new endoscopy suite, including sanitising equipment.

Endoscopies are a medical procedure that allows doctors to inspect and observe the inside of a body without the need for major surgery.

The new state-of-the-art facility and equipment will reduce the need for patients to travel to the nearby Bairnsdale Regional Health Service or other larger towns to access endoscopy services, freeing up theatres and helping reduce planned surgery waiting lists.

This latest announcement brings the total amount of funding provided to Orbost Regional Health through the RHIF to more than $2.7 million, including upgrades to the service’s entrance and Public Sector Residential Aged Care Service.

Across Victoria, the latest round of RHIF grants is supporting rural and regional hospitals, community health services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations to ensure they can continue to provide safe and efficient care to local communities.

With 45 projects across 39 rural and regional health services, the program is ensuring communities continue to have access to high-quality care, no matter where they live – with the delivery of these projects also supporting hundreds of jobs across the state.

Established by the Labor Government in 2016 and overseen by the Victorian Health Building Authority, the RHIF program is now worth $790 million with more than 675 projects funded for regional health services – the largest investment ever dedicated grants program in Victoria’s history.

For more information

Quote attributable to Minister for Health Infrastructure Mary-Anne Thomas

“New state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities at Orbost Regional Health will ensure more locals can access the treatment they need, while also helping to drive down surgery waiting lists.”

Quote attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh

“The new facilities and equipment will ensure Orbost Regional Health has the best facilities for locals closer to home, saving the hassle of travel time.”